Archivfassung der Seite (bis 3/2022) - zur aktuellen Webseite der Stiftung WaldWelten

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The Forests of the World Foundation (Stiftung WaldWelten) is a joint foundation between the town of Eberswalde and the University for Applied Sciences Eberswalde. The Foundation was established on 22nd October 2010 as an officially recognized charitable foundation.

Forests are the largest land ecosystem on earth and are treasure troves of biodiversity. Forests provide both renewable raw materials and at the same time a source of employment. Global climate change and the related effects on man and nature and most importantly on the world's forests represent one of the greatest challenges for our generation and that of our children.

Policy makers, environmentalists and the forestry and timber industry alike need in-depth knowledge and practical decision-making tools. The Forests of the World Foundation would like to do this.Therefore, it is necessary, to use the proper scientific methods in assessing the risks and opportunities linked with climate change and the ability of our forests to develop effective adaptation strategies for the future.

The purpose of the Forests of the World Foundation is to promote forest-related science and climate research at the national and international level, public environmental education, the promotion of forest-related art, culture and nature conservation.

The activities of the Forests of the World Foundation are funded by donations and federally funded projects. We would, therefore, be very pleased to cooperate with similar organisations at all levels. The board of trustees and the management as well as most of the staff are volunteers.

For more information please contact us either in German or English. Your contact:

Forests of the World Foundation
c/o Botanical Garden Eberswalde
Am Zainhammer 5
D-16225 Eberswalde

Mr. Bernhard Goetz

Mail: bernhard(dot)goetz(at)hnee(dot)de
Phone: +49 (0)3334 657 477

(Translation: Mr. J. Hiermer)


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